Thursday, June 6, 2013

How do you choose work for a Celebration Portfolio? - by the First Graders

Yesterday our first graders noticed how their writing has changed over the year.  They selected a range of their own work for Celebration Portfolios to show all their fantastic first grade writing.  Today students worked hard to explain why they chose each piece.  Below are some of their reflections on their writing.  Check out your students' Celebration Portfolio (coming home on the last day of school) for more fantastic ideas!

Examples of our best thinking:

All About Sapphires is a good example of my best thinking because sapphires are hard to describe.

How to writing is a good example of our best thinking because you have to think about what you know, and then think about the steps, and think about an introduction and conclusion.

Math journals are a good example of our best thinking because you have to think of a strategy to solve the problem, a strategy to check your problem, a number sentence, and a sentence explaining how you figured it out.

Examples of our most challenging work:

My most challenging work was when I had to think alot about my all about book because it took a long time to do it and I really needed to work hard.

My most challenging work was my how to because you have to have a lot of steps, introduction, conclusion, and materials.  You always need three facts and the facts have to be specific.

Examples of our best cooperation:

My example of cooperation is the persuasive letters because I got ideas from my friends.

The Chinese New Year voicethread is an example of my best cooperation because I had to work with a bunch of friends and they gave me ideas and those people I remember we worked well together.

The time when we made student learning teams was an example of my best cooperation because we had to choose learning teams that we would work well together and we would help each other.

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