Friday, September 13, 2013

Exploring Living Things

Our first graders are learning about living things as their first quarter science goal.  Our science teacher, Ms. Massengale, has been helping us explore different kinds of living things.  Last week, we looked at the mosquito larva that was living inside the black rain barrel.  This week, we learned about mosquito fish.  Here are some ideas from our first graders:

This is what we learned:
I learned that mosquito fish eat other things too besides mosquitos.
I learned that mosquito fish can eat pond grass, but they only eat if there's nothing else to eat.
I found out that mosquito fish were a fish and not tadpoles!
The pond grass was called elodea. 
I learned that mosquito fish are long, wiggly, spotty, small, and skinny.
They had stripes. 
I saw that mosquito fish looked clear.

This is what we wonder:
How do mosquito fish eat?
I wonder why mosquito fish eat mosquitos.
I wonder why mosquito fish have five fins (2 on the bottom, one on each side, and one on the back).
I wonder why mosquito fish seem to swim by wiggling instead of their tail fin going up and down or side to side. 
I wonder why mosquito fish always swim in a circle.  Mine were swimming in a circle the whole time!

Katie Jiang
K-1 Dual Language, English Classroom
Glenwood Elementary School
Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools
919-968-3473 x38249

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." 
 -- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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